PMFBY Meri Fasal Bimit Fasal Challenge


The flagship crop insurance scheme of the Government of India - the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) - has completed five years since its launch in 2016. Providing a comprehensive insurance cover against failure of the crop and thus, stabilising the income of the farmers, this scheme covers over 5.5 crore farmer applications on an average each year. 'Meri fasal, bimit fasal' is a selfie/photo contest showcasing the faces of worry-free farmers who have insured their crop under PMFBY scheme.


The objective behind this selfie or photo contest is to appreciate the farmers who have insured their crop under the PMFBY and to encourage other farmers for getting crop insurance in the upcoming Rabi 2021 with PMFBY.


1st September to 15th October 2021


Top 5 selfies will receive Prize money from the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare:

First Prize:Rs. 21,000
Second Prize: Rs. 15,000
Third Prize:Rs. 11,000
Fourth Prize: Rs. 7,000
Fifth Prize:Rs. 5,000

How to Participate?

It's a simple 3 step process.

  • Click a Selfie with the insured crop in the background
  • Submit it on this contest page on and fill the basic information like Name,District, State, Phone number and Crop Insurance Policy Number.
  • Encourage others by sharing our entry on social media – Instagram, Facebook and Twitter with the following hashtag #MeriFasalBimitFasal. Don't forget to tag @PMFBY @mygovindia.

Terms & Conditions

  1. There is no entry fee for participation.
  2. You can participate in the contest by registering on the MyGov platform.
  3. Multiple entries by a person or Group entries are not allowed and such submissions will be disqualified.
  4. Participants should only submit a selfie with their own crop.
  5. Blur, half and distanced selfies will not be accepted.
  6. Each participant can submit up to two images only.
  7. Only colour images will be accepted.
  8. Images (maximum10MB in size) must be submitted online and the organizer may request for higher resolution images subsequently. The original images should be at least 2MB in size.
  9. Top five Shortlisted winners will be notified via email, SMS and call to submit their original images within a week for further evaluation with the coordination of State/UT official.
  10. Submitted images can be in JPG, .PNG or .PDF format only.
  11. Entries with incomplete profiles will not be considered. The submission deadline is 15th October 2021.
  12. Each image submitted must be original. Photoshopped or edited pictures/selfies will not be accepted.
  13. You must be the sole author and owner of the copyright of the photographs submitted and the photographs should not have been previously published in any print and digital media.
  14. The entry must not contain any provocative, objectionable or inappropriate content.
  15. Participant has to make sure that his/her MyGov profile is accurate and updated since MoA&FW would be using this for further communication. This includes details such as name, photo and phone number.
  16. The images will be selected by a committee panel assigned by MoA&FW and their decision will be deemed final. No correspondence pertaining to the selection process and decision will be entertained.
  17. While uploading the selfie on the portal, kindly fill the basic information i.e., Name, State, District, Link of photo, Crop Insurance Policy Number.
  18. Results will be announced on 30th October 2021 through MyGov blog portal.
  19. Five Winners will get prize money and certificate and their photos will be published on
  20. PMFBY, MoA&FW and MyGov will have authority to publish/use the shortlisted selfies on their website, social media accounts and any other publishing material. 
  21. PMFBY shall not be liable for any copyright-related issue arising out of pictures posted by participants on or social media platforms.
  22. MoA&FW or MyGov does not accept any liability for the publication of unlawfully reproduced images. 
  23. Computer-generated or computer-altered/morphed images (other than basic system work) will be disqualified. Artwork and illustrations will not be accepted.
  24. MoA&FW or MyGov take no responsibility for corrupted or late entries.
  25. There will be no notification to participants of rejected entries.
  26. MoA&FW and MyGov reserve the right to reject any entry which he/she does not feel is suitable or appropriate or which does not confirm to any of the conditions listed above.