Welcome to Pariksha Pe Charcha Contest 2022

The interaction every youngster is waiting for is back. Pariksha Pe Charcha with Prime Minister Narendra Modi is here!
Leave your stress and nervousness behind and get ready to set those butterflies in your stomach free!
On popular demand, the Prime Minister’s massively popular interaction will not only have students but also parents and teachers.
You too can get a chance to hang out with one of the most inspiring Prime Ministers ever, ask him for tips, seek advice...you could even pose questions you always wanted answers for!
So, how do you (a student, parent or teacher) get a chance to participate in the fifth edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha?
It’s very simple.

Read on:
- First things first, click on the ‘Participate Now’ button above.
- Remember, the competition is open for school students of classes 9 to 12.
- Students can submit their responses to any one of the themes provided to them.
- Students may also submit their question to Hon'ble Prime Minister in a maximum of 500 characters.
- Parents and teachers can also participate and submit their entries in the online activities designed exclusively for them.

About 2050 students, teachers and parents selected through competitions on MyGov will be gifted with PPC Kits by Ministry of Education.

Exam stress management strategies during COVID-19:
Creative strategies adopted by you as a student to manage pandemic stress and forthcoming exam stress.

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahostav:
Do you know about the history of the village/town/city where you live? Write about your village, town, or city, and share about an unknown facet of the freedom struggle there.
Self-reliant School for Self-reliant India:
What does self-reliance mean to you? Share your ideas on making you and your teachers “Aatmanirbhar” in-terms of teaching and learning when the schools are not fully functional due to COVID-19.

Clean India, Green India:
Your ideas on how to strengthen India’s fight against climate change.

Digital Collaboration in Classrooms:
How your teacher made your online class joyful, interesting and effective during the pandemic. Your views on how quality of online classes can be improved.
Environmental conservation and climate change resilience:
Activities undertaken by you as a student during pandemic period for Environmental conservation and climate change.

National Education Policy (NEP) for Naya Bharat:
How provisions of National Education Policy will empower student’s lives in particular and society in general, and pave way for “Naya Bharat”.
The COVID-19 Pandemic: opportunities & challenges:
The improvisations/strategies adopted in teaching-learning during the pandemic and creative solutions adopted by teachers during the pandemic.

Beti Padhao, Desh Badhao:
As the country is celebrating seven years of successful implementation of Honorable Prime Minister’s call of “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” write a creative note on how it has helped in National development.

Local to Global - Vocal for Local:
What would you do to make India to go ‘local to global’ while ensuring you are ‘vocal for local’.
Lifelong Students’ Yearning for Learning:
Write about any new technology that you learnt from your children during COVID-19 pandemic.
Guidelines for Students

- Participation is open for school students of Classes 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th only.
- One can participate in the contest by first registering on the MyGov platform. For those participating from outside India, registration can be done using OTP sent on email id.
- Students can participate in only one theme specified for them.
- Students should not exceed the word limit mentioned for each activity.
- Students should submit responses that are original, creative and simple.
- The question to Prime Minister should not exceed 500 characters.
- Upon successful submission of entries, all students shall receive a digital certificate of participation that they may download and share on social media with #PPC2022.
- For OTP - Students may use their / parent's / teacher's mobile numbers.
- Participants must submit only original answers in their own words.
- Any false representation or submission of any wrong information by any participant will disqualify their participation in PPC 2022.
- The entry must not contain any provocative, objectionable or inappropriate content.
- Responsibility for corrupt or late entry and liability for the publication of unlawfully reproduced contents shall lie solely on the participant.
- All the entries submitted by the contestants can be used by MoE and MyGov on social media or website or in any other form that may be needed.
- Each winner will get a Certificate of Appreciation by Director, NCERT.
- Every winner will also get a special Pariksha Pe Charcha Kit comprising of Exam Warriors book in Hindi and English, written by Hon’ble Prime Minister.
Participation of Students through Teacher Login

- 'Participate through Teacher' may be selected by teachers to login and enable their students, who don't have access to internet or email ID or mobile number, for participating in PPC 2022.
- One teacher may login and enable one or more students (one at a time) by submitting the correct student details and their entries.
- Upon clicking the 'Participate through Teacher' tab, teachers will be able to view the status of all submissions made by him/her.
Guidelines for Parents & Teachers
- Participation is open for all Parents and Teachers.
- Parents and Teachers may participate in the contest by registering on MyGov platform. For those participating from outside India, registration can be done using OTP sent on email id.
- Parents and Teachers may participate in only one theme specified for them.
- Parents and Teachers should not exceed the word limit mentioned for each activity.
- Responses submitted must be original, creative and simple.
- Upon successful submission of entries, all Parents and Teachers shall receive a digital certificate of participation that they may download and share on social media with #PPC2022.
- Participants must submit only original answers in their own words.
- The entry must not contain any provocative, objectionable or inappropriate content.
- Responsibility for corrupt or late entry and liability for the publication of unlawfully reproduced contents shall lie solely on the participant.
- All the entries submitted by the contestants can be used by MoE and MyGov on social media or website or in any other form that may be needed.
Important Dates

Start Date | 28th December 2021 |
End Date | 3rd February 2022 |
Participate As

(Self Participation)
For students of classes 9th - 12th

(Participation through Teacher login)
For students of classes 9th - 12th with no access to internet or email id or mobile number

For Teachers

For Parents of school going children
Ignite the Exam Warrior in You, with PM Modi

Pariksha Pe Charcha is part of the larger movement - ‘Exam Warriors’ - led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, to create a stress-free atmosphere for youngsters.
It is a movement that is driven by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's efforts to bring together students, parents, teachers and the society to foster an environment where the unique individuality of each child is celebrated, encouraged and allowed to express itself fully Inspiring this movement is Prime Minister Narendra Modi's pathbreaking, bestselling book 'Exam Warriors'. Through this book, the Prime Minister outlined a refreshing approach to education. Knowledge and holistic development of students are given primary importance. The Prime Minister urges everyone to put exams in the right perspective, rather than making it a life-and-death situation punctuated by undue stress and pressure.
Learning should be an enjoyable, fulfilling and endless journey - this is the message of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's book.
The Exam Warriors module on NaMo App adds an interactive tech element to the Exam Warriors movement. It communicates the core messages of each mantra that the Prime Minister has written in the book 'Exam Warriors'.
This module is not just for youngsters but also for parents and teachers. Everyone can imbibe the mantras and concepts that the Prime Minister wrote in Exam Warriors since each mantra is pictorially represented. The module also has thought-provoking but enjoyable activities, that help absorb concepts through practical means.

- An activity asks students to fill out and share pre-designed 'Laugh Hard Cards' with their friends, which helps them have a good laugh with each other.
- Another activity encourages parents to make children their 'Tech Guru' and explore technological marvels along with them. This helps in bringing parents closer to children as well as builds a constructive approach towards harnessing technology.
- There are multiple such interesting activities on the Exam Warriors module on NaMo App.