“Yoga with Family” Video Contest


The “Yoga with Family” Video Contest, will be organized by MoA and ICCR to raise awareness about Yoga and to inspire people to prepare for and become active participants in the observation of IDY 2024. The contest will support participation via the MyGov InnovateIndia (https://innovateindia.mygov.in/) platform of the Government of India (GoI) and will be open to participants from all over the world.

2. This document gives the guidelines for the Indian Embassies and High Commissions, for coordination of the event in their respective countries.

Event details

Event Name “Yoga with Family” Video Contest
Duration 5th June to 31st July 2024 17.00 hrs.
Where MyGov InnovateIndia (https://innovateindia.mygov.in/yoga-with-family/) platform of Government of India (GoI)
Contest Hashtag for Promotion Country specific hashtag Yoga-with-Family Country E.g.: Yoga-with-Family
Contest Categories   Country specific and Global prizes
Prizes   Stage 1: Country-specific prizes
  1. First Prize -To be announced by the Indian Mission in the respective country.
  2. Second Prize -To be announced by the Indian Mission in the respective country.
  3. Third Prize -To be announced by the Indian Mission in the respective country.
 Stage 2: Global prizes
Global prize winners will be selected from the winners of all the countries. Details will be announced shortly, on the MyGov InnovateIndia (https://innovateindia.mygov.in/yoga-with-family/) platform of Government of India (GoI)
Announcement of Prizes Date to be decided by the respective country embassies)
Co-ordinating Agency International Co-Ordinator: ICCR
India Co-Ordinator: MoA and CCRYN

Evaluation and judging process for the country-specific prizes

Judging will be carried out in two stages viz. shortlisting and final evaluation. The Indian Missions in the respective countries will finalize three winners in each category of the contest, and this will be a shortlisting process in the overall context of the contest. The winners from each country will go on to figure in the list of the entries for global evaluation to be coordinated by ICCR. The Indian Missions may carry out the evaluation based on the contest guidelines, and finalize the winners of their respective countries. In case, a large number of entries are expected, a two-stage evaluation is suggested, with a larger Committee for the initial screening. Prominent and reputed Yoga experts of the respective countries may be roped in for the final country-specific evaluation to select three winners for each category, after the submission is closed on 31st July 2024 at 17.00 hrs.

The Country-specific winners shall become eligible for the Global prizes, details of which will be announced shortly.

Activities to be carried out by the Embassy/High Commission

  1. Coordination with MoA and ICCR for getting details and updates about the contest, and publishing the details through various social media and other platforms.
  2. Promotion of the contest in their respective countries, evaluation of the submitted video content, and declaration of the country winners as per the specified guidelines.
  3. Publishing the contest guidelines on the embassy’s website and social media platforms, in English and the national language of their host country.
  4. Following the UN guidelines, as contained in the relevant resolution pertaining to IDY, as well as GoI’s directions on the subject.
  5. Promoting IDY observation through different platforms, including the social media platforms of the Embassy/High Commission.
  6. Notifying the participants, of the details including the terms and conditions of the contest, theme, categories, prizes, guidelines for submission, contest calendar and other details as specified in the accompanying Guidelines for the Contestants. Click here.
  7. Promoting the use of the hashtag #Yogawithfamily followed by the country’s name.
  8. Deciding and allocating the prize money for various categories in consultation with the approval of the competent authority.
  9. Responding to the participants’ queries and emphasizing the importance of Yoga among various categories of the contestants.
  10. Refer to Guidelines for Contestants for further details. Click here.
  11. Evaluation and judging process-related guidelines
    1. Familiarizing with the evaluation and judging process as in these guidelines.
    2. Creating a Screening Committee and an Evaluation Committee consisting of prominent Yoga professionals and Yoga experts.
    3. Carrying out evaluation and declaration of results as per the contestant guidelines on the embassy’s website and social media platforms.
    4. Contacting the winners and distributing the prizes as per the guidelines issued by ICCR/MEA.
    5. Communicating the details of the country-specific winners to MoA, ICCR and MEA.

Contest Entry Guidelines

  1. Visit the dedicated contest page on MyGov platform.
  2. Fill in your details, as requested in the participation form. Only one member from Family should fill the entry form. Multiple entries for the same video will entail disqualification.
  3. Shoot a 1-minute video of your family doing Yogasana.  All members can do the same Yogasana or do different Yogasana
  4. Upload the 1-minute video on your YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or twitter account and make it public and downloadable.
  5. Enter the name of the asana/ asanas in the participation form.
  6. Enter a slogan befitting the video uploaded on the participation form.
  7. Upload your entry (1-minute Family yoga video) on the contest page by uploading a link to your video uploaded on YouTube OR Facebook OR Instagram OR Twitter. Please ensure the video is public and downloadable.
  8. Go through the terms and conditions and click on submit.
  9. Share the video:
    1. Like and follow Ministry of AYUSH page (https://www.facebook.com/moayush/) on Facebook, on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/ministryofayush/), on Twitter (https://twitter.com/moayush)
    2. Upload the video on his/her Facebook page/Twitter/Instagram and tag Ministry of AYUSH, use the hashtag #Yogawithfamily
    3. Share the post with maximum number of people and get maximum number of likes on the video.

Guidelines on the video

  1. Participants shall not disclose their personal identity within the video created (name, caste, country etc.).
  2. It is recommended that the video should be made in landscape orientation.
  3. Participants are required to make a video of their family doing yoga simultaneously (Group practice) for a minute only (See Annexure 1 for examples)
  4. The video can be of family doing different yoga practices each or only one specific practice in synchrony. They need to enter the names of asana/asanas being done by the family members in the video in the participation form. 
  5. The participant may judiciously include within this 1 minutes duration the video of family doing yoga and describe in the application form a slogan apt for the video.
  6. One should upload his/her family video on their respective youtube, facebook, twitter or Instagram account, make it public and downloadable.
  7. The video link forms their respective YouTube, Facebook, X (Twitter) or Instagram account may be uploaded on  https://innovateindia.mygov.in/yoga-with-family/. The uploaded video should not exceed 1-minute duration.  Make sure the video in the link is public and downloadable. Organizers are not responsible if the link or uploaded video fails to open for evaluation and the entry will not be selected for the prize.

Contest Timelines

  1. The entries can be submitted from 5th June 2024.
  2. The deadline for the submission of the entries is 31st July 2024 17.00 hrs.
  3. In order to participate in this contest, all the entries must be received by this deadline, as per the aforementioned guidelines.

The shortlisted applicants may be contacted by MoA/concerned Indian Missions in the other countries, for verification of any information, if required.

Family: The term Family means immediate or extended family including friends. The group video should have more than 3 members and not more than six members performing simultaneously in a group. VI. Award Categories and Prizes

Award Categories and Prizes

  1. This time the contest is proposed to be organized in One category. However, there will be country specific and global prizes.
  2. Prizes will be announced in each of the aforementioned categories:

Country-Specific Prizes


  1. First Prize – INR 100000/-
  2. Second Prize – INR 75000/-
  3. Third Prize – INR 50000/-

Other Countries

To be determined and communicated by local country Missions. 

Global Prize

The top 3 entries from each country are further considered for global-level prizes.

  1. First Prize – $1000/-
  2. Second Prize – $750/-
  3. Third Prize – $500/-
  1. MoA will publish the results through its official channels such as the Website and Social Media handles and will reach out to the winners for further details. If unreachable/unresponsive, MoA reserves the right to select alternate winners for the contest.
  1. Any changes/updates to the contest will be published through the official communication channels of MoA, the MyGov platform, and their official social media channels.

Evaluation Process

Country-level evaluation will be conducted in two stages as provided below,

  1. Shortlisting of entries
  2. Final evaluation
  1. The entries will be shortlisted by the screening committee, based on the contest guidelines to provide a filtered number of entries to the final evaluation panel for consideration and selection.
  2. The winners will be selected from the shortlisted entries, by an evaluation committee consisting of prominent Yoga experts Constituted by MoA and CCRYN for Indian entries and by respective Indian Missions in foreign countries.
  3. Once country-level winners are decided, the top 3 entries in each category will be evaluated by an evaluation committee to decide on the global prize winners.

Suggestive Evaluation Criteria

Marks can be given on each criterion ranging from 0-5, where 0-1 will be for non-compliance/moderate compliance, 2 for compliance, 3 and above depending on the performance. The following criteria and the accompanying scoring are only indicative/suggestive and may be revised as deemed appropriate by the respective evaluation and screening committees.

Evaluation Criteria

The following criteria are being used for the evaluation of entries for India and has been provided for reference to the Indian missions. The Indian missions are free to choose their evaluation criteria.

Indicative Evaluation Criteria

S.No. Characteristics/ Definition of attributes Marks
    1 2 3
No Theme Not Related Thematic
1 Theme- The postures done should align with the reasons they give at the end for doing this practice
2 Poise/ grace- The asanas should be done effortlessly and should have a sequence and flow None Somewha Graceful
3 Difficulty level (for age)- One should take note of the persons condition –age, physique, disability etc and judge the difficulty level. Beginner Intermediate Advanced
4 Easing into asana- One should assess if the participant can go to the final position easily, without adjustments and corrections. Difficult Slightly difficult Easy
5 Correct position of Yogasana- Is the participant doing the posture that he has mentioned Not at all Near Correct
6 Perfection in final position (balance, retention)- Is the participant able to maintain the final position. Not at all Near Perfect
7 Synchronization among family members while going to the final pose and maintaining them Not at all Somewhat Perfect
8 Breathing- is the participant able to maintain the pose with relaxed breathing. Erratic With effort Effortless
9 Ambience in surrounding- Place where asana is being done should be free from clutter and have good lighting, ventilation and look aesthetic etc. No Less Ambient Ambient
10 Video skills- alignment of the camera, lighting, focus, background etc that adds aesthetics to a video. Poor Good Very Good

Terms and Conditions/ Contest Guidelines

  1. The entries must include a 1-minute video of the participant doing yoga along with family against an aesthetic background and a short slogan/theme not more than 15 words depicting the video. The video should resonate with the theme or description. The entry should also include the name of the asana or posture in the video
  2. The video can be taken in a background such as Heritage Sites, iconic places, Scenic Nature, Tourist destinations, lakes, rivers, hills, forests, studio, home etc. The SOP for this is given below:
    1. Family’s members should perform only one asana either same or different asana according to their capacity.
    2. If someone is performing asana like Vrikshasana, Vakrasana, should be perform from both sides (i.e. considered a complete asana).
    3. Duration of video should be in between 45 second to 60 seconds.
    4. After adopting final position of any asana should be hold for minimum 10 seconds with normal breathing unless in Kriya & Pranayama practice.
    5. In presentation family will follow proper sequential of asana like demo video.
    6. Proper alignment of asana will get weightage.
    7. Name of the asana and slogan should be mentioned in the video or in the application form.
  1. The contest is open to all, irrespective of their age, gender, profession, nationality etc. However, MoA’s employees and their relatives will not be eligible to participate in the contest due to a potential conflict of interest.
  2. The applicants must not disclose their personal identity, i.e. name, caste, state etc., in the video entry submitted. However, some information is to be entered regarding domicile and contact in the form only.
  3. A person or his family can participate can upload only one video (Link to their video uploaded on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or X/ twitter accounts). Duplicate entries or submission will lead to disqualification from contest and only the first entry will be considered. People submitting multiple entries/ videos will be disqualified and their entries not evaluated.
  4. Unlike last edition of the contest there are no category prizes since the video pertains to family with members of different ages.
  5. All the entries/videos must be in a digital format uploaded on MyGov platform
  6. The entries are to be submitted only through the MyGov contest link; (https://innovateindia.mygov.in/yoga-with-family/ and no other submissions will be accepted.
  7. Submissions/entries will not be accepted once the deadline lapses i.e. 31st July 17.00 hrs. IST. The Ministry reserves the right to shorten/extend the deadline of the contest at its discretion.
  8. An entry may be disregarded if any relevant information crucial for the administration of the contest is incomplete or deficient. Participants should ensure that all the information provided by them is complete. Absence of email and Phone number in the online application will also entail awarding the prize to the subsequent shortlisted applicant in case of winning the prize.
  9. Videos that portray or otherwise include inappropriate and/or offensive content, including provocative nudity, violence, human rights and/or environmental violation, and/or any other contents deemed to be contrary to the law, religious, cultural & moral traditions and practices of India, are strictly prohibited and will be immediately discarded and disqualified. The Ministry reserves the right to disregard any other such entry that the evaluation committee may deem inappropriate and offensive, apart from the criteria mentioned above.
  10. The applicant will be disqualified from the contest if it is found that he/she is trying to influence any member of the evaluation committee by writing letters, sending emails, making telephone calls, approaching in person or any other similar activity.
  11. Any applicant found to give a false declaration is bound to be disqualified. Winners will have to produce Aadhar card/passport for bonafide proof of age, failing to do so would again entail disqualification. Applicant should feature in the video.
  12. Videos uploaded after the date of announcement of the contest will only be accepted for evaluation.
  13. Since this is a Yoga with family the applicants below 18 years of age may have their parents, email ID and phone contact in the participation form.
  14. The decisions of the screening committee and the evaluation committee will be final and binding for all the applicants. The evaluation committee may seek clarifications on any aspect of the entry from the applicant, and if the same is not furnished within the given time, the entry could be disqualified.
  15. By entering the contest, the participants acknowledge that they have read the terms and conditions governing the contest, and agree to them, including,
    • Videos submitted in the contest is an original video created and does not infringe on the copyrights and intellectual property rights of any person or entity.
    • Applicant agrees that he is one of the persons in the video and agrees to provide bonafide video identity proof in case shortlisted as a winner, failure to do so would entail disqualification of the entry.
    • Abiding by any and all final decisions taken by the evaluation committee and MoA.
    • Providing consent to the Ministry to announce the names of winners, their State and Country of residence as applicable.
    • I am the sole applicant for the prize if awarded on behalf of my family members and I agree that consent has been obtained from Family members for filing for the contest.
  16. Any copyright infringement will lead to disqualification and forfeiture of prize money. The decision of the selection committee and evaluation committee will be final in this regard.
  17. The applicants who are shortlisted may be requested to furnish additional information if required. A failure to do so within 5 working days may lead to the disqualification of their entry from further consideration.
  18. The Ministry bears no responsibility for any costs or damages incurred by the participant in the process of participating in the contest. Entry to the contest is completely free of charge and neither the Ministry nor any of its affiliated bodies charge any fees for participation in this contest.
  19. MoA will own all rights, titles, interests including all related Intellectual Property Rights in the contents submitted by the applicants for this contest. The applicants may understand that their consent for the use of their entries, by MoA, for any promotional activities in future, is inherent and included in their act of submission of their entries for this contest.
  20. Winners should have a Bank account and should be willing to furnish the same within one month of announcing the Prizes. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of the prize money.
  21. Prize will be given only to the primary applicant and not to the family members, no disputes on the same will be entertained. 


  1. The personal information of all the applicants will be kept confidential.
  2. The announcements will only reveal the identities of the winners of the contest, with information such as name, age, gender, category of award, and city.
  3. By entering the contest, the participants provide the Ministry, the consent to use their names and basic information for contest related announcements—such as the announcement of shortlisted entries, and of winners.
  4. The Ministry does not bear any responsibility for any copyright or IPR infringement. Participants are solely responsible for any copyright infringement arising from their contest submission.
  5. The applicants may understand that their consent for the use of their entries, by MoA, for any promotional activities in future, is inherent and included in their act of submission of their entries for this contest.

Declaration by the Applicant

I hereby declare that the video for the contest is submitted my me and that the subject in the video is myself with family. The information provided by me in the application form are true. In the event of winning, If any information provided by me turns out to be false or if the video has copyright infringement then I understand that I may be disqualified from the contest and will have no right or say whatsoever on the decisions taken by the evaluation committee. I give consent to use this video for online promotional activities of the Ministry of Ayush in future.